Friday, July 23, 2010

Almost out of my teens.... 19 Weeks down, 21 to go!

This week, my baby is about the same length as a cantaloupe, or 6 and 1/2 inches from crown to rump, and weighs about 10 ounces. It's hard to tell a good melon, but I'm pretty sure mine is just perfect. :) If the baby is a girl, she already has all of the eggs she will ever have in her ovaries, which is about 7 million of them... but by the time she is born, that number will decrease to about 2 million. Her uterus is also formed at this point as well. If it's a boy, his testicles have begun descending, even though they are still in his abdomen as the scrotum finishes growing. Even though the external female and male organs have a while to grow, they are visible in an ultrasound at this point, meaning that when I go have my ultrasound in 1 week from today, we will know whether it is a baby boy or a baby girl. Either way, I am soooooo excited! This past week has been pretty good. I've really REALLY enjoyed feeling those little baby kicks. They've gotten a bit stronger, and it's just precious. Micah feels the baby move every day now, and a couple of days ago, he and I were snuggling on the couch and we were looking at my belly. I was feeling the little kicks and movements, and then all of a sudden, we saw the right side of my belly bounce underneath my belly button... It was weird to see my belly move because of the baby, but really cool. Made me think about how in a few weeks, we will really be able to feel this baby and see this baby even more. Amazing. On the downside, I have been having some dizzy spells lately. I was by myself at Kroger on Monday and I was waiting in a long line to check out. As I was waiting, I got really hot and sweaty and then I got dizzy. I started seeing black splotches and then struggled to hold my head up. The cashier said to me, "Are you ok?" I told her I felt really dizzy. The next thing I knew, I felt myself sitting down into a wheelchair... The person bagging up my groceries put me in a wheelchair and got me a bottle of cold water while I sat and they rang up my groceries. I was so embarrassed. Needless to say, I won't be going to the grocery store by myself for a while. I read that my heart has to work 40-50% harder now to get enough blood to the baby, which can cause me to have less oxygen to go to my brain for some reason, which makes me dizzy. The weird hormones are probably also contributing to the problem. Other than the dizziness though, I have had no nausea or anything like that in quite a while. I am still eating more and enjoying some foods now that I couldn't quite handle during my first trimester due to smells and things like that. So, things are getting better. I love this baby.
This is what my baby looks like right now in my belly. I thought this was a neat picture in showing the size.
Only 6 more days to vote on the gender!!! We find out in 7 days!!!! Also, please please please go to and vote! So much fun. :) In my next blog, I will be able to call this baby by it's name. Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Aww girl chalk it up to hormones if you want but I got all teary reading this. It's just such a beautiful experience, especially the first time but truly every time is every bit as amazing. This baby (boy in my vote ;) is so so lucky to have you two as parents.
