Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Size for Baby and Me

Oh, how I love my little plum!!! My baby is about the size of a large plum this week and is about 2.5 inches long from the top of it's head to it's cute little Wilcox booty. I just finished my 11th week of pregnancy. Now, ready to begin the 12th! First trimester is ending soon! This little baby's systems are fully formed. It's systems will continue to mature for the next 28 weeks and the organs will get to function. It weighs about 1/2 of an ounce. The little guy/gal is starting to produce hormones and their bone marrow is making white blood cells to help it fight off infection after it is born. Micah and I are dying to know what gender this baby is. My brother and his wife just found out that they are having a boy. We couldn't be more excited for them! Now, it's our turn to find out! The end of July can't come fast enough!
This has been a great week! I've been super busy with school and things of that sort, but I have been feeling so much better. The nausea isn't nearly as prevalent as what it was and the indigestion has improved drastically. I am still extremely tired, but other than that, I feel pretty good. I have been asked probably 10 times in this last week, "Are you pregnant?" When I respond with, "Yes," I am always told that I am getting a little belly. The first time I was told this, I think I went home and cried. I just felt like it was too early for that and thought that I just looked fat. After Micah and a few close friends have said told me that it is ok to show at 11 weeks and that it's only going to get bigger, I am accepting my bump, (which right now looks kind of like I just ate a big turkey dinner) and I am ok with it. I was hoping to kind of hold off on the tummy through swimsuit season... I will be more excited about the belly when it is obvious that I am pregnant and people don't have to question if I am just getting fat or if I am pregnant. I blame half of the belly I have on my "larger than a grapefruit" size uterus that is trying to push things around and the other half on my bloating. I will post a pic of myself next time and see what you all think. Belly or not, I am totally excited about this plum. I think about him/her all the time and I can't wait to hold that baby in my arms. I think Micah is just as excited as I am, which is so awesome since we can share in the excitement together. I am so glad that I am feeling so much better. 12th week, here I come!

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