Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dear Adia

I'm in a blogging kind of mood lately. I've written 3 blogs pretty much just back to back. This one is for Adia. :)

Dear Adia,
I love you. One day, I hope you marry a wonderful man like Daddy and have children of your own. Only then will you really understand just how much I love and adore you. Your little sister is going to enter your world very soon. This morning, you were pushing my sticky outie belly button. I remember thinking in that moment that you will probably miss that button here in a few weeks and that you may want your sister to get back in there. She will require a lot of attention for a while. Please know that you are still Mommy's baby. If I can't hold you as much as you want me to, or if I am busy nursing when you want to play, I am sorry. However, having a sister will be such a blessing for you. I never had a sister. I have watched my friends become best friends with their sisters and I sometimes still wish I had a sister to share that bond with. I know you will be such a wonderful sister to Isla and that you will be a great role model as you grow. Your sweet spirit and caring personality are traits that I hope you pass down to her. No matter how many babies I have, you will always be my lovely little girl. You and I have such a special bond that is irreplaceable. Thank you, for teaching me to believe in love at first sight. I love you forever and always.


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